When no incident radiation is transmitted through the body, it is called an _________.
White body
Opaque body
Gray body
Black body
Text Solution
White body
Opaque body
Gray body
Black body
When thermal radiation falls onto an object,
Absorptivity (α) is a measure of how much of the radiation is absorbed by the body
Reflectivity (ρ) is a measure of how much is radiation is reflected
Transmissivity (τ) is a measure of how much radiation passes through the object.
Each of these parameters is a number that ranges from 0 to 1.
For any given wavelength (λ), αλ + ρλ + τλ = 1. Objects may have different values of each of these parameters at different wavelengths.
For an opaque body, transmissivity is 0 since no wavelength is transmitted through it.
∴ For an opaque body sum of absorptivity and reflectivity is 1