
The given figure depicts typical load-settlement curves from plate load tests for a different types of soils. Select the correctly matched pair.


Curve I - Typical of loose sand or soft clay, wherein local shear failure occurs.


Curve II - Typical of many c – φ soils which exhibit characteristics intermediate between a general shear failure and local shear failure.


Curve II - Typical of dense sand or gravel or stiff clay, wherein general shear failure occurs.


Curve I - Typical of dense sand or gravel or stiff clay, wherein general shear failure occurs.

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Curve I is typical of dense sand or gravel or stiff clay, wherein general shear failure occurs. The point corresponding to failure is obtained by extrapolating backward (as shown in the figure), as a pronounced departure from the straight-line relationship that applies to the initial stages of loading is observed. (This coincides approximately with the point up to which the range of proportionality extends).

Curve II is typical of loose sand or soft clay, wherein local shear failure occurs. Continuous steepening of the curve is observed and it is rather difficult to pinpoint failure; however, the point where the curve becomes suddenly steep is located and treated as that corresponding to failure.

Curve III is typical of many C- ϕ soils which exhibit characteristics intermediate between the above two. Here also the failure point is not easy to locate and the same criterion as in the case of Curve II is applied.


Plate Load Test is used to determine bearing capacity and settlement characteristics of the soil on site.