Which one of the following valves restricts or throttles the fluid in a particular direction to influence the volumetric flow of the fluid?
Check valve
Flow control valve
Quick exhaust valve
Sequence valve
Text Solution
Check valve
Flow control valve
Quick exhaust valve
Sequence valve
Check valves -
The check valve allows flow in one direction and automatically prevents back flow (reverse flow) when fluid in the line reverses direction. They are one of the few self-automated valves that do not require assistance to open and close.
While some can be fitted with externally weighted and dampened devices for special circumstances, the majority do not have any outside assistance, such as that found with on/off or other valves. Unlike other valves they continue to work even if the plant facility loses air, electricity, or the human being that might manually cycle them.
Flow control valve:
Quick exhaust valve -
Sequence valve: