The tables below show the bird species and their abundance in three habitats P, Q, and R. Habitat P Species identity Abundance 1 120 1 20 2 5 3 1 4 1 Habitat Q Species identity Abundance 1 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 15 7 15 8 15 Habitat R Species identity Abundance 1 80 2 25 3 15 4 10 5 5 6 3 7 3 8 3 Which one of the combinations below best represents the habitats in decreasing order of diversity?
P, R, Q
R, Q, P
R, P, Q
Q, R, P
Text Solution
The correct answer is Q, R, P
- Species diversity is defined as the number of different species and their relative abundance in a region/area.
- Species diversity consists of two factors:
- Species richness - It is the total number of different species present in a given region.
- The region that has a greater number of species will have high species diversity.
- For example, tropical rainforests have more species as compared to the tundra region. So, tropical rainforest will have greater species diversity.
- Species evenness - it is the relative abundance of all the species present in the region.
- A region where all the species have the similar abundance will have the greatest species diversity.
- So species diversity is dependent on both factors, hence, a region having the greatest species richness as well as have highest species evenness will have greater species diversity.
- Habitat P has only 4 species as compared to 8 species in habitats Q and R. Also, species are not evenly distributed. So, habitat P has the lowest species diversity.
- Habitat Q and R have the same number of species i.e., 8. So, both habitats have the same species richness.
- Now, there is a greater difference in the abundance ( total number of individuals of each species) in habitat R. so, habitat R has low species evenness.
- On the other hand, habitat Q does not display variability in the number of individuals in different species. ie., there are either 15 or 20 individuals in all species, so, it has greater species eveness.
- Since species diversity depends on species richness and species evenness, So, Habitat Q has the greatest species diversity.
- Since we have to arrange the habitat in the decreasing order of diversity, the correct order is Habitat Q (highest species diversity) > Habitat R > Habitat P (lowest species diversity).
Hence, the correct answer is option 4.
- The region that has a greater number of species will have high species diversity.
- For example, tropical rainforests have more species as compared to the tundra region. So, tropical rainforest will have greater species diversity.
- A region where all the species have the similar abundance will have the greatest species diversity.