Which one of the following statements is correct?
If a transgenic plant heterozygous for an insert segregates into 1:1 ratio for the transgenic phenotype on back-crossing then it contains two unlinked copies of the insert.
ANOVA allows a plant breeder to test whether measurements from three or more treatments show statistically significant differences.
Comparative genomics allows scientists to identify regions of collinearity but not synteny between different species.
For genetic mapping of a quantitative trait in plants, an RIL mapping population comprising of individuals that are heterozygous at most loci is preferred.
The correct answer is Option 2 i.e. ANOVA allows a plant breeder to test whether measurements from three or more treatments show statistically significant differences.
- The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a statistical tool that can be used to test for differences between treatments in an experiment.
- In plant breeding, ANOVA is used to determine Variation between species and Variation within species.
- ANOVA is the method of analyzing the variance in a set of data and dividing the variance into groups according to the sources of those variations.
- The total amount of differences in a set of data can be divided into two types:
- the amount that can be attributed to chance
- the amount that can be due to specific causes.
Option 1:- INCORRECT
- T1 populations (T2 plants) have a 1:2:1 genotypic ratio, and T1 lines are invariably heterozygous for the insertion of foreign DNA. This foreign DNA not only interferes with the gene it is inserted into in terms of how it expresses itself, but it also serves as a signal for the subsequent detection of the mutation.
Option 2:- CORRECT
- In ANOVA, the total variance of all samples is calculated. Portions of the total variance can be attributed to known causes (e.g., genotype).
- This leaves a residual portion of the variance that is uncontrolled or unexplained and is referred to as experimental error.
- Then the between-treatment variation (e.g., AA genotype variation vs. Aa genotype variation vs. aa genotype variation) is compared to the within-treatment variation (experimental error) (e.g., variation within the aa genotype) to assess whether differences in mean value between treatments are due to the treatment effects or chance.
- In the simplest case, linear equations can be developed to describe the relationship between a trait and treatment.
- Let us consider an example, of using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to assess differences in tomato bacterial spot resistance due to molecular marker genotype (treatment effect).
- Consider the case of two molecular markers, PTO and TG23, that were genotyped in a BC1 population that was phenotyped for bacterial spot disease severity.
- The null hypothesis postulated was that no difference existed in disease severity between molecular marker genotypes—that is, Y = µ + error.
- This hypothesis is tested separately for each marker.
- In general, the ANOVA table would look like the one that follows for each marker:
Expected Mean Square
s2 + bs2 (G)
s2 + b [s2 (GQTL) + 4r (1-r) g2] + bc (1 – 2r)2 g2
Marker (Genotype)
s2 + b [s2 (GQTL) + 4r (1-r) g2]
N (b-1)
- b is the number of replicates
- r is the recombination fraction separating the marker from the QTL
- c is a coefficient related to the population size
c = N – (n12 + n22) / N
- n1 + n2 = 1, (representing the number of individuals in each marker class)
- N is the total number of individuals.
- g is the genetic effect (in backcross populations, additive and dominance effects are confounded)
- s2 (GQTL) is the part of the error variance that cannot be explained by the QTL.
- When b = 1, Genotype(marker) becomes the error term.
- If there are repeated measures on each genotype (b > 1), the proper error term must be specified.
Option 3:- INCORRECT
- Comparing biological data acquired from whole-genome sequencing is the essence of comparative genomics.
Option 4:- INCORRECT
- RIL populations are created by continuously sib mating or selfing individual F2 population members up until complete homozygosity is reached. Bulk or pedigree methods without selection can be utilized, however, single-seed descent is the optimal approach for development. RILs segregate at a 1:1 ratio.
- the amount that can be attributed to chance
- the amount that can be due to specific causes.