The study of unemployment is the subject matter of which one of the following Economics?
Descriptive Economics
Normative Economics
Micro Economics
Macro Economics
Descriptive Economics
Normative Economics
Micro Economics
Macro Economics
The correct answer is Macro Economics.
Key Points
Additional Information Microeconomics: Microeconomics focuses on the behavior of individual economic agents, such as households, firms, and markets. Within microeconomics, the study of unemployment focuses on the individual decision-making processes related to labor supply and demand. Microeconomists analyze factors such as wage determination, labor market conditions, job search behavior, and the impact of unemployment on individual households and firms.
Descriptive Economics: Descriptive economics refers to the objective description and analysis of economic phenomena without making value judgments or policy recommendations. It involves observing and explaining economic facts, trends, and relationships using data and statistical analysis. Descriptive economics can be used in both macroeconomic and microeconomic studies of unemployment to present the current state of unemployment, its trends, and its distribution across various groups.
Normative Economics: Normative economics involves making value judgments and policy recommendations based on subjective opinions and ethical considerations. It focuses on what ought to be rather than what is. In the context of unemployment, normative economics would analyze different policy options and their potential impact on reducing unemployment, promoting job creation, or improving the overall welfare of individuals affected by unemployment.