
What is the Poisson’s ratio?


Ratio of longitudinal strain to lateral strain


Ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain


Ratio of tangential strain to compressive strain


Ratio of compressive strain to tangential strain

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Poisson’s Ratio:

  • Simon Poisson pointed out that within the elastic limit, lateral strain is directly proportional to the longitudinal strain.
  • The ratio of the lateral strain to the longitudinal strain in a stretched wire is called Poisson’s ratio.
  • Here lateral strain the strain perpendicular to the applied force and its is given as (ΔR/R)
  • It is defined as lateral strain upon longitudinal strain

σ = l a t e r i a l s t r a i n l o n g i t u d i n a l s t r a i n = Δ R R Δ L L = Δ R R × L Δ L

  • Negative sign shows that as length of wire increases, the radius of wire will decrease.
  • The normal value of σ lies between -1 and +1/2
  • Whereas practical value of σ lies between 0 to +1/2
  • And just like strain Poisson’s ratio is also Dimensionless.


For a rigid body, the value of Poisson’s ratio is zero. A zero Poisson’s ratio means that there is no transverse deformation resulting from an axial strain.

  • Most materials have Poisson's ratio values ranging between 0.0 and 0.5.
  • A perfectly incompressible material deformed elastically at small strains would have a Poisson's ratio of exactly 0.5.
  • Most steels and rigid polymers when used within their design limits (before yield) exhibit values of about 0.3, increasing to 0.5 for post-yield deformation which occurs largely at constant volume.
  • Rubber has a Poisson ratio of nearly 0.5.
  • Cork's Poisson ratio is close to 0, showing very little lateral expansion when compressed.