
The inertia constant of a 120 MVA, 11 KV water turbine generator is 4. How much energy is stored in the rotor at the synchronous speed?


480 MJ


480 KJ


30 MJ


410 MJ

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The Inertia constant (H) of a generator-turbine unit is defined as the ratio of kinetic energy stored at the synchronous speed to the generator's kVA or MVA rating.

Importance of Inertia: 

  • Inertia is the stored rotating energy in the system
  • Following a System loss, the higher the System Inertia (assuming no frequency response) the longer it takes to reach a new steady-state operating frequency.
  • Directly connected synchronous generators and Induction Generators will contribute directly to System Inertia.
  • Modern Generator technologies such as Wind Turbines or wave and tidal generators which decouple the prime mover from the electrical generator will not necessarily contribute directly to System Inertia

We shall define the inertia constant H,

GH = KE in MJ


G = three-phase MVA rating (base) of machine

H = inertia constant in MJ/MVA or MW.s/MVA

Inertia constant,  H = k i n e t i c e n e r g y s t o r e d r a t i n g

K.E. stored = H × rating



K.E. stored = 4 × 120 = 480 MJ