
In a single-phase inverter using single pulse modulation for control of output voltage, Harmonics of the order ‘n’ can be eliminated by making the pulse width equal to









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Single-pulse modulation:

  • It consists of a pulse width of 2d located symmetrically about π/2 and another pulse located at symmetrically about 3π/2. The range of pulse width varies from 0 to π.
  • The output voltage is controlled by varying pulse width.
  • To eliminate nth harmonic, ‘nd’ should be made equal to π.
  • This method of voltage control, a great deal of harmonic content is introduced in the output voltage, particularly at low output voltage levels.


The output voltage waveform of a single-phase full-bridge inverter is represented as below.

v 0 = n = 1 , 3 , 5 4 V s n π sin n π 2 sin n d sin n ω t

v 0 = 4 V s π [ sin d sin ω t 1 3 sin 3 d sin 3 ω t + 1 5 sin 5 d sin 5 ω t ]

If nd is equal to π or d = π n  or if pulse width is made equal to 2 d = 2 π n , it shows that nth harmonic is eliminated from the inverter output voltage.