Which one of the following is erroneous with reference to Clausius inequality statement?
For reversible process: ΔS = 0
For irreversible process: ΔS > 0
For impossible process: ΔS < 0
None of the above
For reversible process: ΔS = 0
For irreversible process: ΔS > 0
For impossible process: ΔS < 0
None of the above
We know for any system undergoing a process, the entropy can be given as
For an isolated system, dQ = 0 ⇒ Δs ≥ 0 (entropy never decreases)
The best example of an isolated system is the universe, hence entropy of the universe always increases no matter whether the entropy of the system and entropy of surroundings decrease or increase (principle of increase of entropy).
The entropy principle gives the criteria for the possibility of a process. If for a process,
Δssys + Δssur = Δs = 0 – Reversible process
Δssys + Δssur = Δs > 0 – Irreversible process
Δssys + Δssur = Δs < 0 – impossible process
∴ all given options are correct and none of the above are erroneous to Clausius's inequality statement.