A number may be represented in various number systems. Arrange the following number systems in ascending order based on the number of bits needed to represent the same number. A. Binary B. Decimal C. Hexadecimal D. Octal Choose the correct answer from the options given below
A, C, B, D
B, C, A, D
C, B, D, A
A, B, C, D
Text Solution
Binary : 2 bits
Decimal : more than 3 bits less than 4 bits, hence we take 4 bits
Octal : 3 bits
Hexadecimal : 4 bits
Hence the number of bits required to represent a number is the most in binary followed by octal, then decimal and then the least number of bits required is in hexadecimal.
Decimal : more than 3 bits less than 4 bits, hence we take 4 bits
Octal : 3 bits
Hexadecimal : 4 bits