The settling time for a unit step response of a second-order system is
proportional to the natural frequency
inversely proportional to the natural frequency
equal to the damping ratio
proportional to the damping ratio
proportional to the natural frequency
inversely proportional to the natural frequency
equal to the damping ratio
proportional to the damping ratio
Settling time:
The settling time of a dynamic system is defined as the time required for the output to reach and steady within a given tolerance band. It is denoted as Ts. Settling time comprises propagation delay and time required to reach the region of its final value. It includes the time to recover the overload condition incorporated with slew and steady near to the tolerance band.
The tolerance band is a maximum allowable range in which the output can be settled. Generally, the tolerance bands are 2% or 5%.
For 1% settling time:
For 2% settling time:
where ξ = damping ratio, and ωn = natural frequency.