
In BJT characteristics of lC vs. VCE, the regions adjacent to x-axis and adjacent to y-axis are called


Active region and Cut-off region respectively


Saturation region and Active region respectively


Cut-off region and Saturation region respectively


Saturation region and Cut-off region respectively

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Load Line in CE Transistor

When no signal is applied, the transistor voltage and current conditions are as indicated at the quiescent point (Q point) on the dc load line.

When an ac signal is applied, the transistor voltage and current vary above and below point Q.

The concept of load line can be understood from the following graph.

The load line is drawn between collector current IC and collector voltage VCE for different values of base current IB.

When a value for the maximum possible collector current is considered, that point will be present on the Y-axis, which is nothing but the Saturation point.

As well, when a value for the maximum possible collector-emitter voltage is considered, that point will be present on the X-axis, which is the Cutoff point.

When a line is drawn joining these two points, such a line can be called a Load line.

This line, when drawn over the output characteristic curve, makes contact at a point called an Operating point or quiescent point, or Q-point.