
In petrol knocking, which phenomenon of the fuel is seen?


Fire ignition




Crack ignition


Post ignition

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The Otto cycle is the air standard cycle for the spark-ignition (S.I) engine. Its efficiency is given by –

η o t t o = 1 1 r k γ 1

where rk = compression ratio.

Mathematically, ηotto ∝ rk i.e. higher the rk higher will be efficiency.

But practically ηotto increases with rk in starting and it flattens after rk reaches 8 – 10 as shown in the figure.

∴ the increase in thermal efficiency at a higher compression ratio is not pronounced.

This happens because at a higher compression ratio rk, the temperature of the air-fuel mixture rises above the self-ignition temperature of the fuel and the mixture ignites without the spark, causing early and rapid combustion of the fuel ahead of the flame front.

This premature ignition (pre-ignition) of the fuel, called auto-ignition, produces an audible noise, which is called knocking.