The method which can be used for determination of very high suctions of soil, of the order of several thousands of kN/m2 is known as:
Tensiometer method
Pycnometer method
Centrifuge method
Suction plate method
Tensiometer method
Pycnometer method
Centrifuge method
Suction plate method
Centrifuge method
In the centrifuge method, the soil sample is subjected to a centrifugal force. Initially, the soil sample is placed on to a porous pot which is, in turn, is enclosed inside a brass container. This brass container can rotate about its axis. As the rotation proceeds, the water from the soil sample moves through the porous medium and joins the water reservoir present in the brass container. The brass container already possesses water which is filled till the water level. Water more than this level goes out through an escape hole provided.
Then the soil suction can be determined by the formula:
Where 'ω' is the rotational speed in radians/second, 'r1' is the radial distance from the centre of rotation to the water table and 'r2' is the radial distance from the centre of rotation to the middle of the water sample respectively.
The centrifuge method is conducted at various speeds in order to get a relationship between the water content and the soil suction. This method can be used to calculate a higher value of suction.
Additional Information
Tensiometer Method
Suction plate method