Match List I with List II List I : Leadership style List II : Leadership behaviour A. Developer I. Delegation of responsibility with firm accountability B. Benevolent Autocratic II. Respecting collective commitment and team efforts C. Bureaucratic III. Expressing professional concern for subordinates D. Executive IV. Adherence to rules and procedures Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A - I, B - III, C - II, D - IV
A - III, B - I, C - IV, D - II
A - IV, B - III, C - I, D - II
A - II, B - I, C - III, D - IV
Text Solution
List I
List II
A. Developer
Expressing professional concern for subordinates:
- A leader with a developer style shows professional concern and care for their subordinates, focusing on their growth and development.
B. Benevolent Autocratic
I. Delegation of responsibility with firm accountability:
- A leader with a benevolent autocratic style delegates responsibilities to their team members while maintaining a sense of control and ensuring accountability.
C. Bureaucratic
IV. Adherence to rules and procedures:
- A leader with a bureaucratic style emphasizes the adherence to established rules and procedures in decision-making and operations.
D. Executive
- II. Respecting collective commitment and team efforts:
- A leader with an executive style respects and values the collective commitment and efforts of the team in achieving goals.
Therefore, the correct match is A - III, B - I, C - IV, and D - II.
Expressing professional concern for subordinates:
- A leader with a developer style shows professional concern and care for their subordinates, focusing on their growth and development.
I. Delegation of responsibility with firm accountability:
- A leader with a benevolent autocratic style delegates responsibilities to their team members while maintaining a sense of control and ensuring accountability.
IV. Adherence to rules and procedures:
- A leader with a bureaucratic style emphasizes the adherence to established rules and procedures in decision-making and operations.
- II. Respecting collective commitment and team efforts:
- A leader with an executive style respects and values the collective commitment and efforts of the team in achieving goals.