If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 200% and the denominator of the fraction is increased by 120%, the resultant fraction becomes . What is the original fraction?
Text Solution
Given data:
The fraction after increasing the numerator and denominator is 4/11.
The numerator is increased by 200%.
The denominator is increased by 120%.
The percentages of increase applied to the numerator and denominator would be applied as follows: original value × 1 + (percentage/100)
x × (1+200/100), which equals 3x.
Similarly, the denominator increased by 120% can be represented as y ×
(1+120/100), which equals 2.2y.
Given that we now have the ratio 3x / 2.2y = 4/11.
⇒ We cross-multiply to find the values. 3x × 11 = 4 × 2.2y.
⇒ Simplifying this gives 33x = 8.8y.
⇒ From this, we can conclude that the ratio x/y = 8.8 / 33.
Simplifying this fraction, we get x/y = 4/15.
Therefore, the original fraction is 4/15.
The numerator is increased by 200%.
The denominator is increased by 120%.