Which of the following is true for the M3 flow profile in an open channel?
d > d0 > dc
d0 > dc > d
dc > d0 > d
d0 = dc > d
Text Solution
d > d0 > dc
d0 > dc > d
dc > d0 > d
d0 = dc > d
Important points for qualitative calculations:
1) For mild channel YC < YN and for steep channel YN < YC and for critical slope YN = YC
2) If the depth of flow is up to 1st region then we use subscript 1 for example in mild channel if the depth of flow is in 1st region then we can it M1 profile and if the depth is in the second region, we call it M2 profile
From the above two points, we can make the following table:
Y > YN > YC YN > Y > YC YN > YC > Y
2 3