
The assumed short term static modules of elasticity of concrete can be calculated by


Ec = 5000*fck


Ec = 5000* f c k 3


Ec = 500* ( f c k )


Ec = 5000* f c k

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Modulus of elasticity of concrete:

It is the parameter that measures concrete's resistance to elastic deformation when stress is applied to it. As per IS 456: 2000, short term modulus of elasticity of concrete Ec is given by,

E c = 5000 f c k

Where fck is the characteristics strength of concrete. It means the modulus of elasticity in concrete is proportional to the compressive strength of concrete.

Additional Information

Actual measured values may differ by ± 20 percent from the values obtained from the above expression, E c = 5000 f c k .

Long term elastic modulus of elasticity (EL) = 5000 f c k 1 + θ

Where, θ = C r e e p c o e f f i c i e n t = U l t i m a t e c r e e p s t r a i n E l a s t i c s t r a i n and fck = characteristic compressive strength