Pick - out the CORRECT action by the assistant if the surveyor signal’s “Right arm up and moved to the right”.
Plumb the rod to the left
Fix the rod
Plumb the rod to the right
Move considerably to the right
The various hand signals and their corresponding message is shown below in the tabulated form
Hand Signal
Movement of Left arm over 900
Continue to move to my left.
Movement of the right arm over 900
Continue to move to my Right.
Rapid sweep with the left hand
Move considerably to the left
Rapid sweep with Right hand
Move considerably to the Right
Slow sweep with the left hand
Move slowly to the left.
Slow sweep with Right hand
Move slowly to the Right.
Left-arm up and moved to left
Plumb the rod to the left
Right arm up and moved to Right
Plumb the rod to the Right
Extension of arm horizontally and moving hand upwards
Raise the height of the peg or staff.
Extension of arm horizontally and moving hand downwards
Lower the height of the peg or staff.
Extension of both arms slightly and thrust it downwards.
Establish the position
Extension of arms and placement of the hand on top of the head.
Return to me.
Hand Signal
Movement of Left arm over 900
Continue to move to my left.
Movement of the right arm over 900
Continue to move to my Right.
Rapid sweep with the left hand
Move considerably to the left
Rapid sweep with Right hand
Move considerably to the Right
Slow sweep with the left hand
Move slowly to the left.
Slow sweep with Right hand
Move slowly to the Right.
Left-arm up and moved to left
Plumb the rod to the left
Right arm up and moved to Right
Plumb the rod to the Right
Extension of arm horizontally and moving hand upwards
Raise the height of the peg or staff.
Extension of arm horizontally and moving hand downwards
Lower the height of the peg or staff.
Extension of both arms slightly and thrust it downwards.
Establish the position
Extension of arms and placement of the hand on top of the head.
Return to me.