
Match the items in List 1 (Purpose) with those in List 2 (Designed Component used in Airport, and select the answer using codes given below. List – I List – II A. Basic Runway length 1. Width and length of Safety area of airport B. Runway Capacity 2. Housing, Servicing of aircrafts C. Runway geometric design 3. Location of exit taxiways D. Hangar 4. Engine failure class


A - 1, B - 2, C - 4, D - 3


A - 4, B - 2, C - 3, D - 1


A - 4, B - 1, C - 3, D - 2


A - 4, B - 3, C - 1, D - 2

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The basic runway length is determined in three cases

  1. Normal landing case - Aircraft should stop within 60% of landing distance or runway length
  2. Normal take-off case - minimum clearway width should be 150m and it is also kept free from obstructions.
  3. Engine failure case - In this case, basic runway length may consider either clearway or stop way or both.

Runway Capacity:

  • The ability of a runway system to accommodate aircraft landing and take-off. It is usually expressed in operation per hour or operation per year.
  • The location of exit taxiways depends on the mix of aircraft, the approach and touchdown speeds, the point of touchdown, the exit speed, the rate of deceleration, which in turn depends on runway capacity and the condition of the pavement surface that is, dry or wet, and the number of exits.

The following items are to be considered in the geometric design of the runway.

  1. Runway length
  2. Runway width
  3. Width and length of safety area
  4. Transverse gradient
  5. Longitudinal and effective gradient
  6. Rate of change of longitudinal gradient
  7. Sight distance


  • It is the covered area for repair and servicing the aircraft.
  • The hanger depends upon the size of the aircraft and turning radius.
  • The number of hangers depends upon peak hour per volume of aircraft.