According to IS (Indian Standard) Specification 1180-1964 for outdoor type distribution transformer, the conservator is provided on transformer rating _______.
50 kVA or below
50 kVA or above
below 10 kVA
below 5 kVA
Text Solution
50 kVA or below
50 kVA or above
below 10 kVA
below 5 kVA
The correct answer is option 2.
Requirements as per IS (Indian Standard) Specification for transformers up to 100 KVA
1.) No. of tappings
2.) Conservator and thermometer pocket for transformer above the rating of 50 kVA
3.) The minimum clearance of 75 mm and 40 mm for phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth must be available on the LV side of the transformer.
4.) The minimum clearance of 255 mm and 140 mm for phase-to-phase and phase-to-earth must be available on the HV side of the transformer.
5.) The maximum temperature rise must not exceed 55° C.