As per codex Minimum number of primary samples to be taken from a non suspect primary lot of meat and poultry product
As per codex Minimum number of primary samples to be taken from a nonsuspect primary lot of meat and poultry product is 1.
The objective of these sampling procedures is to enable a representative sample to be obtained from a lot, for analysis to determine compliance with Codex Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for pesticides.
MRLs for meat and poultry apply to a bulk sample derived from a single primary sample, whereas MRLs for plant products, eggs, and dairy products, meat and poultry products apply to a composite bulk sample derived from 1-10 primary samples.
The terms used are defined in Annex I and the procedures are shown schematically in Annexes IIA and IIB. ISO recommendations for a sampling of grain, or other commodities shipped in bulk may be adopted if required.
Contamination and deterioration of samples must be prevented at all stages, because they may affect the analytical results. Each lot to be checked for compliance must be sampled separately.
Sampling Record-
The date and place of sampling and any other relevant information. Any departure from the recommended method of sampling must be recorded. A signed copy of the record must accompany each replicate laboratory sample and a copy should be retained by the sampling officer. A copy of the sampling record should be given to the owner of the lot, or a representative of the owner, whether or not they are to be provided with a laboratory sample. If sampling records are produced in computerized form, these should be distributed to the same recipients and a similar verifiable audit trail maintained.