
All of the following options describe the availability and unavailable energy of a system EXCEPT:


availability depends on the system and the surroundings


unavailable energy is defined as minimum energy that has to be rejected to the sink by the second law


when heat is transferred through the finite temperature difference, the available energy transferred remains constant


availability is defined as the maximum work output obtainable from a certain heat input in a cyclic heat engine

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Let P0 be the ambient pressure, V1 and V0 be the initial and final volumes of the system respectively.

If in a process, the system comes into equilibrium with the surroundings, the work done in pushing back the ambient atmosphere is P0(V0-V1).

Availability= Wuseful=Wmax-P0(V0-V1)

Available and non-available energy:

Suppose a certain quantity of energy Q as heat can be received from a body at temperature T.

The maximum work can be obtained by operating a Carnot engine (reversible engine) using the body at T as the source and the ambient atmosphere at T0 as the sink.

W = Q × η = Q × ( 1     T o T )   =   Q     T o   ×   Δ s

Where Δs is the entropy of the body supplying the energy as heat.

The area 1-2-3-4 represents the available energy.

The shaded area 4-3-B-A represents the energy, which is discarded to the ambient atmosphere, and this quantity of energy cannot be converted into work and is called Unavailable energy. Suppose a finite body is used as a source. Let a large number of differential Carnot engines be used with the given body as the source.

dW = dQ × η = dQ × ( 1     T o T )

If the initial and final temperatures of the source are T1 and T2 respectively, the total work done or the available energy is given by:

W = ∫dQ × η = T 1 T 2   d Q ( 1     T o T ) = Q - T o T 1 T 2 d Q T

⇒ W = Q     T o   ×   Δ s