Raymonds tree based algorithm ensures
no starvation, but deadlock may occur in rare cases
no deadlock, but starvation may occur
neither deadlock nor starvation can occur
deadlock may occur in cases in cases where the process is already starved
Text Solution
Raymond’s tree-based algorithm is a lock-based algorithm that ensures mutual exclusion in a distributed system.
Steps of Algorithm:
- A site is allowed to enter the critical section if it has the token.
- Site which holds the token is also called root of the tree.
- For acquiring token, all the other sites are arranged as a directed tree such that the edges of the tree are assigned direction towards the root.
Raymond’s algorithm uses greedy approach and a site can enter the critical section on receiving the token even if its request is not on the top of the request queue. This affects the fairness of the algorithm sometimes leading to starvation.
However, deadlock is not possible to occur.
Raymond’s algorithm uses greedy approach and a site can enter the critical section on receiving the token even if its request is not on the top of the request queue. This affects the fairness of the algorithm sometimes leading to starvation.