
Bearing characteristics number in a hydrodynamic bearing depends upon


viscosity, speed and bearing pressure


viscosity, speed and load


load, speed and length


length, width and speed

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The transition from thin-film lubrication to thick film lubrication can be better visualized by means of a curve called μ N P .

μ N P = B e a r i n g   c h a r a c t e r i s t i c   n u m b e r

where, μ = absolute viscosity of lubricant (kg/m.s), N = speed of the journal (rpm), P = bearing pressure (N/mm2)

The value of the bearing characteristic number corresponding to the minimum coefficient (point C) is called the bearing modulus. It is denoted by K in the figure.

The bearing should not be operated near the critical value K at the point C. A slight drop in the speed (N) or a slight increase in the load (P) will reduce the value of ( μ N P ) resulting in boundary lubrication.

In order to avoid seizing, the operating value of the bearing characteristic number should be at least 5 to 6 times that when the coefficient of friction is minimum (5K to 6K)

The ( μ N P ) curve is important because it defines the stability of hydrodynamic journal bearing and helps to visualize the transition from boundary lubrication to thick film lubrication.