
Which one of the following represents the output signal-to-noise ratio of a uniform quantizer? (where P denotes average power of the message signal m(t) and R denotes number of bits per sample)


( 3 P m max 2 ) 2 2 R


( 2 P m max 3 ) 2 3 R


( 3 P m max 2 ) 2 R


( 3 P m max 2 )

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Signal-to-quantization-noise ratio (SQNR) is a widely used quality measure in analyzing digitizing schemes such as pulse-code modulation (PCM). The SQNR reflects the relationship between the maximum nominal signal strength and the quantization error (also known as quantization noise) introduced in the analog-to-digital conversion.

The SQNR formula is derived from the general signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) formula:

S Q N R = P s i g n a l P n o i s e


Given the average power of the message signal

P = mmax2(t)

Noise power:

Pnoise = Δ2/12 = mmax2(t)/3L2

Signal to noise ratio:

S Q N R = P m m a x 2 ( t ) / 3 L 2 = 3 P m m a x 2 ( t ) L 2 = 3 P m m a x 2 ( t ) L 2 = ( 3 P m m a x 2 ( t ) ) 2 2 R [ L = 2 R ]