
A well with a radius of 0.3 m, including gravel envelope and developed zone, completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer with K = 25 m/day and an initial water table at 30m above the bottom of the aquifer. The well is pumped so that the water level in the well remains at 22 m above the bottom of the aquifer. Assuming that pumping has essentially no effect on water table height at 300 m from the well, determine the steady-state well discharge. (Neglect well losses).


3500 m3/day


5500 m3/day


-2750 m3/day


-4730 m3/day

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For an unconfined aquifer:

q = π k ( H 2 h 2 ) log e ( R / r ) = π k ( h 2 2 h 1 2 ) log e ( r 2 r 1 )

q = discharge through aquifer, k = coefficient of permeability (m2/day/m2), H = thickness of aquifer, h = depth of water in well measured above the impermeable layer, s = drawdown of well, R = Radius of zero drawdown or maximum of radius of influence and h1 and h2 are depth of water in well at radial distance r1 and r2 respectively.

Coefficient of transmissibility (Γ) = k × H


Given: r = 0.3 m, r1 = 0.3 m, h1 = 22 m, r2 = 300 m, h2 = 30 m, k = 25 m/day

q = π k ( H 2 h 2 ) log e ( R / r ) = π k ( h 2 2 h 1 2 ) log e ( r 2 r 1 )

q = π × k × ( 30 2 22 2 ) log e ( 300 0.3 )

q = 4735.15 m3/day