
The momentum correction factor is used to account for :


change in mass rate of flow


non-uniform distribution of velocities at inlet and outlet section


change in pressure


change in direction of flow

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Momentum correction factor, β: it is defined as the ratio of momentum of the flow per second based on actual velocity to the momentum of the flow per second based on average velocity across a section.

β = M o m e n t u m p e r s e c o n d b a s e d o n a c t u a l v e l o c i t y M o m e n t u m p e r s e c o n d b a s e d o n a v e r a g e v e l o c i t y

β = 0 r u 2 d A A v 2

Where, A = area of cross-section, dA = small cross section of area, v = average velocity, u = actual velocity

It is considered to take into the effect of the non-uniform distribution of velocities or flow at inlet and outlet section through pipes.

Important Points

For turbulent flow, the momentum correction factor is 1.2

For laminar flow, the momentum correction factor is 1.33.