Star-star power transformer is protected by current transformer having
Star/star connections
Delta/delta connections
Star/delta connections
Delta/star connections
Text Solution
Star/star connections
Delta/delta connections
Star/delta connections
Delta/star connections
Merz-price differential protection scheme:
The CTs connection in the Merz-price protection:
CTs are connected to every phase of the system.
In order to nullify the phase shift of the Power transformer (PT), The Current transformers (CT) connected in a reverse configuration.
Configuration of PT
Configuration of CTs on primary and secondary of PT respectively
Y – Y
∆ - ∆
Y - ∆
∆ - Y
∆ - Y
Y - ∆
∆ - ∆
Y - Y
The star-star power transformer is protected by the current transformer having delta/delta connections.