The minimum nominal cover to reinforcement for R.C.C. footings as per IS: 456-2000 shall be
15 mm
5 mm
20 mm
50 mm
Text Solution
15 mm
5 mm
20 mm
50 mm
For footing:
i) The thickness at the edge shall not be less than 150 mm for footings on soil and not less than 300 mm for footing on piles.
ii) The depth of the foundation should be a minimum of 500 mm.
iii) For reinforcement, footing is treated as an inverted slab. As per IS:456-2000, the minimum percentage of reinforcement of steel is 0.12% of the gross sectional area with HYSD bar and 0.15% of the gross area with plain bars of mild steel.
iv) Minimum clear cover should be 50 mm.
v) Permissible shear stress for footing, according to limit state method is τc = 0.25√fck and τc = 0.16√fck according to working stress method.