
While calculating the specific enthalpy of wet steam, which of the following quantities is no use to us?


Dryness Fraction


Specific Volume of Saturated Steam


Specific Enthalpy of Saturated Water


Specific Enthalpy of Saturated Steam

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If the steam lies within the vapour dome (saturated liquid-vapour region) then it is called wet steam.

Enthalpy in wet region is calculated by

h = hf + xhfg

h = hf + x( hg - hg)

Where h is enthalpy at any point in the wet region, h f is enthalpy at the saturated liquid, hg is enthalpy at saturated vapor and x is the quality of steam.

Additional Information

Entropy in wet region is calculated by

s = sf + xsfg

s = sf + x(sg - sf)

Where s is entropy at any point in the wet region, s f is entropy at the saturated liquid, sg is entropy at saturated vapour and x is the quality of steam.

( s g s f ) = L T

L = Latent heat of vapourisation, T = Vaporisation Temperature.

The specific volume of steam is given by

v = vf + xvfg

v = vf + x(vg - vf)

Where v is the volume at any point in the wet region, vf is the volume at the saturated liquid, vg is the volume at saturated vapor, and x is the quality of steam.