Straight converging streamlines denote:
convective tangential acceleration
no acceleration
convective normal acceleration
both normal and tangential convective acceleration
convective tangential acceleration
no acceleration
convective normal acceleration
both normal and tangential convective acceleration
When dealing with fluid dynamics, streamlines represent the direction a fluid element will flow in that field at any point in time. If the streamlines are straight and converging, it implies that the velocity of the fluid is increasing, but all in a common, or straight path direction.
The displacement of fluid particles in a flow can be decomposed into normal and tangential components. Acceleration of a fluid particle can also be decomposed into two constituent parts: convective normal acceleration, which occurs as a result of the change in direction of the velocity; and convective tangential acceleration, which results from changes in the magnitude of the velocity.
Convective Tangential Acceleration:
Convective Normal Acceleration: