Which of the following is a base used as a composition of oil paints?
Red lead
Tung oil
Red lead
Tung oil
It is the mechanical dispersion of one or more fine pigments in a medium (thinner + vehicle). When the paint is applied to a metal surface, the thinner evaporates, while the vehicle undergoes slow oxidation leading to the formation of a pigmented film.
Constituents of paint:
1. Base:
A base is a solid substance in a fine state of division and it forms the bulk of a paint. It imparts durability to the surface which is painted and reduces shrinkage cracks formed on drying and it also forms an opaque layer to obscure the surface of the material to be painted.
E.g- White lead, Red lead, Zinc oxide, Iron oxide, etc
2. Vehicle or drying oils:
It is a liquid that binds the pigment to the surface and protects pigment from decay e.g. linseed oil, dehydrated castor oil, etc.
E.g- Linseed oil, Tung oil, Poppy oil, Nut oil, etc
3. Extenders or fillers:
The function of the addition of filler in paint is that it improves the properties of the paint and mainly reduces the cost. The main purpose is to increase pigment volume concentration.
E.g- Gypsum, Calcium carbonate, Aluminium silicate, Magnesium silicate, Talc, Diatomite, etc
4. Thinners or solvents:
It is a volatile solvent, which is often added to paint which helps to adjust the consistency of the paint.
Solvents of oil paints are used to thin the paints and increase the spread.
E.g- Turpentine, White spirit, Naptha, Benzine, Petroleum, etc
5. Drier:
The main function of a drier is to increase the drying power of the vehicle. They act as oxygen-carrying catalysts.
E.g- Litharge, Red lead, Sulphate of manganese, etc
6. Plasticizer:
They remain permanently in paints and varnishes. They improve the elasticity of the paint film which prevents cracking of the film.