
Which of the following relational algebra query computes the Sid's of sailors with age over 20 who have not reserved a red boat?


πsid (δage > 20 Sailors) − πsid ((δcolor = red Boats) ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Sailors)


πsid ((δcolor = red ∧ age > 20 (Boats ⋈ Sailors ⋈ Reserves)))


πsid (δage < 20 Sailor's) − πsid ((δcolor = red Boats) ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Sailors)


πsid (δage > 20 Sailors) ∧ πsid ((δcolor = red Boats) ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Sailor's)

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πsid (δage > 20 Sailors) − πsid ((δcolor =  red Boats) ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Sailors)

  1. We are dividing the entire query into two parts separated by '' sign.
  2. In the first part, we will fetch a list of all the sailors who are of age greater than 20, that is, age > 20 by using 'δage > 20 Sailors'.
  3. In the second part, we will fetch those boats which are of 'red' colour by using 'δcolor =  red Boats'.
  4. Then we will join the result with Reserves and Sailors by 'color =  red Boats) ⋈ Reserves ⋈ Sailors'.
  5. Finally, we will select the Sid(s) from the 4th step.
  6. Now, we will subtract the list of sid(s) we got from step 5 from step 2.