
As per IS: 456-2000, the acceptable limits of crack-width for concrete structures exposed to mild and moderate exposure categories or conditions are


0.3 mm and 0.2mm respectively


0.2 cm and 0.3 cm respectively


0.3 cm and 0.2 cm respectively


0.15 mm and 0.5 mm respectively

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As per clause no. 35.3.2 of IS 456:2000 , The limiting value of crack width from serviceability and durability point of view. Limit of crack width directly depends upon exposure conditions as follows:

Exposure Condition Maximum allowable crack width (mm)
Mild 0.3
Moderate 0.2
Severe and more aggressive environment 0.1
  • The practical objective of calculating crack width is merely to give guidance to the designer in making appropriate structural arrangements and in avoiding gross errors in design, which might result in concentration and excessive width of flexural crack.