
A binary liquid solution is prepared by mixing n-heptane and ethanol. Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the behaviour of the solution ?

(a) The solution formed is an ideal solution
(b) The solution is non-ideal, showing +ve deviation from Raoult’s law.
(c) The solution is non-ideal, showing –ve deviation from Raoult’s law.
(d) n-heptane shows +ve deviation while ethanol shows –ve deviation from Raoult’s law.

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(b) : The solution containing n-heptane and ethanol shows non-ideal behaviour with positive deviation from Raoult’s law. This is because the ethanol molecules are held together by strong H-bonds, however the forces between n-heptane and ethanol are not very strong, as a result they easily vapourise showing higher vapour presure than expected.