
Who lives on floor number 2?


S, P


T, X


R, Z


Q, Z

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10 people 

different professions - Chef, Businessman, Doctor, Accountant, Engineer, Teacher, Advocate, Actor, Dentist, Baker.

1- P who lives on the 4th floor lives to the West of W, who is an Accountant. 

2- V who is Advocate lives on the bottommost floor.

3- No lives to the West of the one who is Advocate.

4- T and the one who is an Engineer live on floor number 3 and T does not a Engineer.


  Case-1 Case-2
Floor Flat-B Flat-A Flat-B Flat-A
4 P W(Accountant) P W(accountant)
3 T (Engineer) (Engineer) T
1 V(Advocate)   V(Advocate)  


5- The one who is Engineer lives below the one who is Doctor, who lives below the one who is Chef and all of them live in the same flat. So case-1 gets eliminated.

6- U lives beside the one who is a Businessman on the top floor.

7- One floor between T and Q.

8- Q is not a Businessman .


Floor Flat-B Flat-A
5 U(Chef) (Businessman)
4 P(Doctor) W(accountant)
3 (Engineer) T
1 V(Advocate) Q



9- The one who is Baker lives to the East of the one who is Dentist.

10- X lives beside the one who is a Teacher but not on the top floor.

11- S lives on an odd numbered floor in Flat A.

12- R lives immediately below X in the same flat.

13- Z lives above the one who is an Actor.

So, Final arrangement is;


  Final arrangement
Floor Flat-B Flat-A
5 U(Chef) S(Businessman)
4 P(Doctor) W(accountant)
3 X(Engineer) T(Teacher)
2 R(Dentist) Z(Baker)
1 V(Advocate) Q(Actor)


Hence, R and Z live on floor numbered 2.