
Consider the following in context of thermistors and identify the correct choice. P: Thermistors are inexpensive and rugged. Q: Thermistors are not amenable to remote measurements


P and Q both are incorrect


P is correct, Q is incorrect


P is incorrect, Q is correct


P and Q both are correct

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It behaves like a resistor with a high negative temperature coefficient of resistance

The resistance value of the thermistor decreases as the temperature increases

This solid state device can measure small changes in the temperature 

The main advantages of a thermistor are

  • Small in size and easy to use
  • Do not require contact and hence do not lead to the resistance problem
  • Highly accurate and sensitive to small temperature range changes
  • Two terminal devices so can be compatible with many devices
  • Low in cost and Rugged


The major disadvantages of thermistors are

  • Non-linear 
  • Passive
  • Susceptible to self-heating problems
  • Not used for very large temperature changes
  • It leads to unavoidable errors when used in remote measurements

Hence P is correct and Q is incorrect

Therefore the correct answer is option 2