
Which of the following pair is INCORRECT for some transparent media with respect to air? (may consider the most approximate value)


Substance medium: water, Refractive index: 1.33, Critical angle: 48.75.


Substance medium: crown glass, Refractive index: 1.12, Critical angle: 29.14.


Substance medium: dense flint glass, Refractive index: 1.62, Critical angle: 37.31.


Substance medium: diamond, Refractive index: 2.42, Critical angle: 24.41.

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The critical angle in optics refers to a specific angle of incidence. Beyond this angle, the total internal reflection of light will occur.

n i × s i n θ i = n r × s i n θ r

When θr becomes 90o then the angle of incidence is called the critical angle of incidence. θcr

n i × s i n θ c r = n r × s i n 90 o

n i × s i n θ c r = n r

Where nr = refractive index of the medium, ni = refractive index of air (Rarer medium) (1)

if the angle of incidence of greater than the critical angle of incidence then the light rays get reflected back this phenomenon is called total internal reflection and the material becomes non-transparent.


Case 1) when nr = 1.33 and θ = 48.75o

n i × s i m θ = 1.33

θ = s i n 1 ( 1 1.33 )

θcr = 48.753°

In this case, water will be a transparent media.

Case 2) when nr = 1.12, θ = 29.4o

Calculation of critical angle for crown glass

θ c r = s i n 1 ( 1 1.12 )

θcr = 63.23o

θcr > 29.4°

therefore crown glass will be transparent

Case 3) when nr = 1.62 and θ = 37.310

Calculation of critical angle for dense flint glass

θ c r = s i n 1 ( 1 1.62 )

θcr = 38.11o

θcr > 37.31o

therefore dense flint glass will also be transparent.

Case 4) when nr = 2.42 and θ = 24.41

Calculation of critical angle for diamond

θ c r = s i n 1 ( 1 2.42 )

θcr = 24.40o

θcr < 24.41°

In this case, the critical angle is less than the incident angle therefore the light rays will reflect back.