
Consider the following statements with respect to compass surveying and identify the correct answer. Statement A: The direction of a survey line measured using a prismatic compass is called magnetic bearing. Statement B: The direction of a survey line measured using a surveyor compass is called arbitrary bearing.


Statement A is correct and B is incorrect


Both statements are incorrect


Statement B is correct and A is incorrect


Both statements are correct

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Important terms:

Arbitrary bearing: The horizontal angle made by the survey line with reference to arbitrary meridian passing through one of the extremities.

True Bearing: It is horizontal angle between the true meridian and the survey line measured in a clockwise direction.

Azimuth: it is the horizontal angle or direction of a compass bearing.

Arbitrary Meridian: Any convenient direction from a survey station to some well defined permanent object is known as arbitrary meridian. This is used for small area survey or to determine the relative directions of small traverse.