
Identify the odd one out with respect to PERT.


Most likely time


Optimistic time


Failure time


Pessimistic time

Text Solution
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1. Probabilistic approach

1. Deterministic approach

2. Three-time estimate

2. One-time estimate

3. Event-oriented network model

3. Activity-oriented network model

4. The slack concept is used

4. Float concept is used

5. Project crashing is not possible

5. Project crashing is possible

6. Deals with probabilistic time estimates

6. Deals with deterministic time estimates


Three-Point Estimation Technique:

Optimistic time (to): This represents the minimum reasonable period of time during which the activity can be completed.

Most likely time (tm): This is the time required to complete an activity based on typical conditions and historical information. Since tp would be the time thought most likely to be met, it is also the mode of the beta distribution.

Pessimistic time (tp): This is the maximum reasonable period of time the activity would need to be completed.

In the standard PERT analysis, the distribution assumed for the activity times is a Beta distribution.

So, the failure time is the odd one out with respect to PERT.