If there are m unknown member forces, r unknown reaction components and j number of joints, then the degree of static indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame is given by:
m + r - 3j
m - r + 2j
m + r - 2j
m + r + 2j
Text Solution
m + r - 3j
m - r + 2j
m + r - 2j
m + r + 2j
1) Static Indeterminacy of Trusses:
a) For Plane Truss
Ds = m + r - 2j
b) For Space Truss
Ds = m + r - 3j
Where, m = Number of members (every member carries force), r = Number of reactions at support, and j = No. of joints.
2) Static Indeterminacy of Frames:
a) For Plane Frame
Ds = 3m + r - 3j
a) For Space Frame
Ds = 6m + r - 6j
Hence option (3) is correct.