
Which of the following options CORRECTLY define Proof resilience?


The maximum value of strain energy upto elastic limit


The minimum value of strain energy beyond the elastic limit


The maximum value of kinetic energy


The minimum value of strain energy

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When a body is loaded within the elastic limit, it changes its dimensions and on the removal of the load, it regains its original dimensions. So long as it remains loaded, it has stored energy in itself. On removing the load, the energy stored is given off as in the case of a spring. This energy, which is absorbed in a body when strained within the elastic limit, is known as strain energy.

The strain energy stored in a body due to external loading, within the elastic limit, is known as resilience and the maximum energy which can be stored in a body up to the elastic limit is called proof resilience.

Modulus of resilience is defined as proof resilience per unit volume. It is the area under the stress-strain curve up to the elastic limit.

Updated on:21/07/2023