Which of the DBMS component ensures that concurrent execution of multiple operations on the database results into a consistent database state?
Buffer manager
File manager
Transaction processing system
Buffer manager
File manager
Transaction processing system
The correct answer is option 4.
Explanation :
The transaction log or Logs are special DBMS table that contains a information about all the database transactions executed by the DBMS. These logs plays an important role to maintain the database consistency as well as integrity.
Buffer Manager is responsible for allocating disk space used by heap files, access methods and relational operators used to read, write, allocate or de allocate pages.
File Manager is responsible for structuring the files and managing the file spaces. File manager works along with device manager to perform his responsibility.
Transaction processing system is a logical system that performs the transactions performed by DBMS. By transaction we refer a set of logical work which should be performed at a time. These plays an important role to maintain the database consistency as well as integrity.
Every transaction must have the following properties (ACID property):