
Select the correct code of the following statements being correct or incorrect. Statement (I) : International liquidity encompasses the international reserves only. Statement (II) : International liquidity covers only official holdings of gold, foreign exchange, SDRs and reserve position in the IMF available for the settlement of the international transactions.


Both the statements are correct.


Both the statements are incorrect.


Statement (I) is correct while Statement (II) is incorrect.


Statement (I) is incorrect while Statement (II) is correct.

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Statement (I): International liquidity encompasses the international reserves only.


  1. In the words of Brahamanand, “The term ‘International liquidity’ refers to the supply of certain categories of financial assets or claims which are created by all the different countries and international financial organizations in the international community, as receptacles of calculable ready purchasing power over all the domestic currencies in vogue”.
  2. In its simplest form, international liquidity comprises of all reserves that are available to the monetary authorities of different countries for meeting their international disbursement.
  3. In short, the term 'international liquidity' connotes the world supply of reserves of gold and currencies that are freely usable internationally, such as dollars and sterling, plus facilities for borrowing these.
  4. International liquidity consists essentially in the resources available to national monetary authorities to finance the potential balance of payments deficit, it may consist in the possession of assets like gold, foreign exchange, and in the ability to borrow internationally. 

Thus, the statement I is incorrect.

Statement (II): International liquidity covers only official holdings of gold, foreign exchange, SDRs, and reserve position in the IMF available for the settlement of the international transactions.


  1. The term international liquidity comprises all those financial resources & facilities which are available to the monetary authority of members of countries for financing the deficit in their international balance of payment.
  2. International liquidity refers to the generally accepted official means of setting imbalances in international payments. 
  3. Under the present international monetary system, the main components of international liquidity are as follows:
    • IMF trench positions represent the drawing potential of the members.
    • Special drawing rights (SDRs) which have been first introduced in 1970 by the IMF as a new international reserve asset.
    • Dollar reserves of countries other than the U.S.A.
    • Sterling reserves of countries other than the U.S.A.
    • Gold reserves of the national monetary authorities (i.e., central banks) with the IMF.

Thus, statement II is correct.

∴ Option 4 is the correct answer.