
For the required extra widening of the pavement at the horizontal curves, usually which of the following factors are NOT depended upon?


Radius of the curve negotiated


The number of stokes of the wheel of the vehicle


The psychological factor which is a function of the speed of the vehicle


The length of the wheel base of the vehicle

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Extra Widening:

  • The extra width of the carriageway required on a horizontal curved section of the road above the width required on a straight alignment is called the extra widening of the pavement.
  • The extra widening consists of two components i.e., the psychological factor, and the mechanical factor, both of which are used to calculate the total extra width required at a curved section.

Psychological Widening:

As per IRC, psychological widening is totally dependent on the design speed and the radius of the horizontal curve. This is totally due to the psychological factor and doesn't depend on the wheelbase of the vehicle.

Wps =  V 9.5 R


V- design speed in km/hr

R - radius of the horizontal curve in m

Mechanical Widening :

This is dependent on the length of the wheelbase of the vehicle. This is given by the expression,

Wm n l 2 2 R


n - is the number of lanes

l - length of the vehicle

R - radius of the horizontal curve