
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of LVDT?


Infinite resolution


Low hysteresis




Limited dynamic response

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LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is the most widely used inductive transducer that converts the linear motion into the electrical signal. A linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) has one primary winding and two similar secondary windings in series opposition (differential mode) but not a toroidal magnetic core.

It is connected in differential mode to obtain:

  • an output voltage that is phase-sensitive i.e. the output voltage has a phase that can lead us to a conclusion whether the displacement of the core took place from right to left or from left to right
  • to establish the null or the reference point for the displacement of the core

Advantages of LVDT:

  • High range
  • Linearity
  • Friction and electrical isolation
  • Immunity from external effects
  • High output and high sensitivity
  • Ruggedness
  • Low hysteresis
  • Low power consumption

Disadvantages of LVDT:

  • Relatively large displacements are required for appreciable differential output
  • They are sensitive to stray magnetic fields, but shielding is possible; This is done by providing shields with longitudinal slots
  • Many a times, the transducer performance is affected by vibrations
  • The receiving instrument must be selected to operate on AC signals, or a demodulator network must be used if a dc output is required
  • The dynamic response is limited mechanically by the mass of the core and electrically by the frequency of applied voltage
  • Temperature affects the performance of the transducer; But when temperature effects are expected to influence the performance, manganin wire may be used instead of copper wire