
Identify the INCORRECT statement with respect to different types of pipe flow.


The type of flow in which the fluid particles move along a well-defined streamline or paths, such that all the streamlines are straight and parallel to each other is known as laminar flow.


The flow in a circular pipe is categorised as laminar when the Reynolds number for the flow is less than 4000.


The velocity of the flow at any given time does not change with respect to space in case of uniform flow.


The fluid characteristics like velocity, density and pressure at a point do not change with time in case of steady flow.

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Reynolds number: The type of flow in which the fluid particles move along a well-defined streamline or paths, such that all the streamlines are straight and parallel to each other is known as laminar flow. 

It is the ratio of Inertial force to the viscous force.

For pipe flow  R e = ρ V D μ

  • If Reynold's number lies between 0 - 2000, then the flow of liquid is streamlined or laminar.
  • If Reynold's number lies between 2000 - 4000, the flow of liquid is unstable and changes from streamline to turbulent flow.(Transition zone)
  • If Reynold's number is above 4000, the flow of liquid is turbulent.​

Therefore option 2 is incorrect.

Steady flow

  • A steady flow is one in which all conditions(velocity, density and pressure) at any point in a stream remain constant with respect to time.
  • A steady flow is the one in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second through any
  • section, is constant.
  • True steady flow is present only in Laminar flow. In turbulent flow, there are continual fluctuations in velocity.
  • Pressure also fluctuate at every point. But if this rate of change of pressure and velocity are equal on both sides of a constant average value, the flow is steady flow. The exact term use for this is mean steady flow

Uniform flow

  • A truly uniform flow is one in which the velocity is same at a given instant at every point in the fluid.
  • When the size and shape of cross section are constant along the length of channels under consideration, the flow is said to be uniform.