
The failure of a material under varying load after a number of cycles of such load is known as


Fatigue failure


Impact failure


Hysteresis failure


Ductile failure

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The following table shows the different mechanical properties:


  • The tendency of a solid material to move slowly or deform permanently under the influence of mechanical stresses. Creep may also be known as material creep or cold flow.
  • It is basically a time-dependent deformation under a certain applied load.
  • Stresses due to wind loads are varying with time and we know creep is due to sustained loads, therefore no creep deformation is observed due to wind loads.
  • Thermal stresses are also acting over a short time, so no creep deformation is observed due to wind loads also.

Plastic deformation

  • The ability of material is when the applied load is removed and the material does not regain its original/initial shape that deformation is called Plastic deformation 

Elastic deformation

  • The ability of material is when the applied load is removed and the material regains its original/initial shape that deformation is called Elastic deformation.


  • It is a failure mechanism that involves the cracking of materials and structural components due to cyclic (or fluctuating) stress. The applied stresses may be tensile, compressive or torsional, crack initiation and propagation are due to the tensile component.
  • One of the intriguing factors about fatigue development is that fatigue cracks can be initiated and propagated at stresses well below the yield strength of the material of construction (these stresses are usually thought to be related to elastic deformation, not plastic deformation).